Experiences on getting things done....
I was taking stock of the things I am doing. Being a corporate trained person, I try to paint the picture of the end result- Happy Land, Point B or whatever terminology is used by the leaders to rally the teams vis the shared vision to this new state. By taking stock, it means setting stakes in the journey to mark where we are. We are all in multiple journeys actually; our personal life, the married life, family and extended family, our non-family groups - elementary, high school, university, work, church, close friends and even professional paths which can have national or global reach. All of these compete with the 24 hours allotted in each day and how we prioritize becomes the major challenge. The priority which I dare claim to be the highest is the role which brings home value to the family. Alot of times this is the ‘job’. I use value instead of money as we more towards the latter years in our lives, the service to others is the ‘job’ and we utilize the earnings of the pa...